Introduction to VEINOPLUS® V.I.

VEINOPLUS® V.I. stands as a groundbreaking medical electro-stimulation device designed to address the myriad symptoms associated with Venous Insufficiency. The efficacy of this innovative technology has been meticulously studied and substantiated through a series of clinical investigations conducted in prominent healthcare hubs including France, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Russia. These rigorous studies have consistently affirmed its therapeutic potential.

 Remarkably, VEINOPLUS® V.I. has garnered a global following, with more than 150,000 individuals grappling with venous issues in over 40 countries placing their trust in its capabilities.

Benefits of VEINOPLUS® V.I.

Alleviates Heavy Legs and Pain:

From the very first session, VEINOPLUS® V.I. demonstrates its prowess in reducing the discomfort associated with heavy legs and the persistent sensation of pain*.

Mitigates Leg Swelling (Edema):

Notably, this device offers relief by diminishing leg swelling, a condition often characterized by uncomfortable edema*.

Addresses Restless Legs and Night Cramps:

VEINOPLUS® V.I. goes beyond the ordinary, providing a remedy for restless legs and nocturnal cramps, offering respite to those who suffer from these distressing symptoms*.

Safe for Use During Pregnancy

Pregnant individuals can confidently employ VEINOPLUS® V.I. to manage their venous discomfort and associated symptoms, as it is safe for use during pregnancy*.

When to Utilize VEINOPLUS® V.I.

VEINOPLUS® V.I. proves its versatility by being a valuable asset across various stages of venous insufficiency: 


This device serves as an effective intervention for mitigating the symptoms of venous insufficiency throughout all phases of the disease.


VEINOPLUS® V.I. also assumes a proactive role in averting venous disorders, particularly in scenarios characterized by heightened risk factors. It is particularly effective in situations involving reduced mobility, excess weight, prolonged periods of standing, immobility, pregnancy, and even during travel*

 Let VEINOPLUS stimulate your life and elevate your health and well-being to new heights.